Monday evening I went to a free evening talk, Understanding QA/Testing On Agile Projects given by Antony Marcano who runs the testingReflections website
( which incidentally was one of the first testing websites I found when I was making the switch from dev to test)
It was an interesting talk, dealing with a lot of the misconceptions and objections to Agile, how and why to write and use User Stories, use - or not - of a bug tracking system in an agile project, skills an agile tester should have etc
There were 2 great things about the talk
1 - Antony has been involved in XP/Agile for 8 years and so his talk was full of real life cases about how it can be made to work
2 - The passion he shows for the subject. Even after 8 years doing it he is still so enthusiastic about it and admitted that he is still learning
The talk and Q&A session was an hour and a half but it could easily have gone on for several hours
After the talk some people moved onto the pub where I was able to meet and talk to another of the attendees - Gojko Adzic
A pleasure to meet him and great to listen to him and Antony enthusiastically debating ways of running automated tests that could be written in a customer friendly fashion.
The talk was given the wrong title though - it was called "In The Brain Of Antony Marcano", it should have been "In the HEART of Antony Marcano"
( the talk was being videod and should be available soon
Test Your Software or Your Users Will
5 hours ago
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